Everything went off with success! It was a genuine blessing that we did the "C"-section. Carter ended up having his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck once, and then again around his body. It was really tight too. There was nothing more my strong wife could do to push him out. He was being held and "tied" in.
Christine was amazing. She stayed strong the whole time. I got to go in to the surgery with them. The anesthesiologist asks me "How are you with the site of blood?". "I'm ok", I tell him. The next thing I know, I am watching my son come out of Christine's belly. He was big! I never thought such a baby could fit into her stomach! They pull his head out and immediately he opens his eyes and cries, while the rest of him is still inside! It was amazing! God has done so much for us, and we are truly blessed.
Carter is quickly taken to a warmer table in the room and cleaned up. He is very vocal, but not crying too much. The techs clean him a bit while my wife and I look on. Wow. He's gorgeous, and still a boy! We joked frequently about the "what-ifs" of having a girl instead, despite the ultrasounds that told otherwise.
I get to go over and cut his cord, which was awesome! Christine did great. She watched the whole time. After that, I was handed my son. I was holding something and someone that is changing my life and everything around it. I hold him up for Christine. I am so happy, but so sad. My eyes are full of tears. She can't hold him right now, only myself. I wanted so much for her to be able to hold him first. It was a long road to this point, and she deserved it.
After this the tech and I take him out and place him into the hospital's bassinet. I get to wheel him down the hall and past the nurse's station back into our room. That was a feeling of change. Here I was pushing my new son down the hall. Who am I? What am I? Somehow in the last 10 minutes I was titled with "Dad" and this squirming little man became my son. He is taken into our room where they start to do all their tests and vitals and stuff. Everything is great. I left for a few to minutes to go sit with Christine while they finished her up. I was excited, but it still felt wrong for Christine to have to be stuck in surgery without our baby.
They were stitching up her uterus when I came back. I got to take a peek. That is something I never thought I would see. I was like a big balloon, that was deflating.
Carter was born at 817 am via "C"-section, weighing 6 lbs. 14.5 ounces and 20.5 inches. No, he really was not that big of a baby, but I was expecting something a lot smaller. His mom was small, and it really seemed amazing that his whole body fit inside her.