Still at the hospital...

Right after lunch her temp went down to 100, and then an hour later down to 97. Now it has been normal ever since, but they still wanted her to stay.
My parents and Christine's dad spent most of the afternoon and evening with us. It was very nice to have them here. It really helped pass the time in this room. It's very nice, but it's also definitely time to go home.
Later, Christine's mom and sister, Cherie, came by to visit and we got some more pictures.
So, tomorrow we finally get to go home. We get to introduce Carter to the dogs and cats. It definitely will be interesting. If I am worried about anything, it will be the dogs barking every once in awhile.

The cats will also have to learn that they are no longer a priority and their spot has been taken on the bed, ha!
This photo here is of my dad, Gary. He started to wonder if we were ever going to have a baby and even started to lose hope when Christine got her real estate license. We proved him wrong and overjoyed him!

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