Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I am scared. After a long night of everything going great, we are at a standstill. Christine did wonderful. She labored admirably and did exactly what all the doctors told her to. Our doc even told her he was impressed with her pushing.

Now Carter is halfway down the birth canal, but has stopped. Every time Christine pushes, he makes progress, but afterwards he retracts back up. I am scared because the doc has said that he thinks we should go to a “C”-section. He told this to us, and I wanted to cry. I was immediately scared for Christine and the baby. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Christine was supposed to deliver normally, and immediately bring the baby to her chest. Now she is supposed to go through surgery to have our son brought into the world. This will be the first time she has had surgery. This also is the first time she has even had to stay in the hospital, for that matter.

I immediately made phone calls, updating family and friends of the situation. I had a hard time talking without breaking down. I don’t think I’m ready for this. Christine is doing better than myself.


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