Thursday, October 26, 2006

Carter-G's 1 year portraits...

Carter was quite ready on this day for his pics! He had a blast!

More Halloween pics to follow!

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9 Month Portrait Time!

We did not post these earlier, so here is Carter's pics at 9 or 10 months.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Carter walking

Some of Carter's first steps. He's slowly getting the hang of it. This video clip captured his biggest "run" yet!

Long Week!

It was a long birthday week for Carter. Friends and family! He was a real trooper especially since he was teething. His top front teeth were finally coming through. The day before his birthday he took his first 2 steps!

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Play time!

Carter played with some of his toys before it was time to go to bed.

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Gift time!

By this time Carter is finally wearing out. First...we opened lots of gifts. Carter is a very loved boy! Thank you everyone!

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What a turn out!

What a turn out! The house was full of friends and family. We had 43 people (inlcuding adults & children). People were inside and out. It was hard to decide if we would invite just Carter's little friends or everyone who has been with him in the last 12 months. Since it was Carter's 1st birthday we decided to invite everyone!

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Happy Birthday to you!

It's cake time! He first grabbed the little trucks off the cake. Of course, he loves anything with wheels! We took the cake away to cut it and Carter broke down in tears:( As soon as we gave him his cake he was happy again. He seemed a little overwhelmed when everyone was singing to him also. This was his first piece of cake. Yummo!

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Sitting patiently waiting for soem food... pizza anyone. Grampy Gary made at least 12 pizzas for Carter's party.

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And the party begins...

Some of Carter's small friends showed up first. They were playing in a tunnel for awhile.

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Before the party began...

Still quiet in the house before the party began. Here is Carter's 1st birthday cake. We had a construction theme. Grampy Gary is preparing the pizza before the crowd arrives!

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Resting for our BIG 1

Carter is resting up for his pizza party. Grampy Gary & Granny Anne are wearing him out! Posted by Picasa