
Well it was an interesting weekend and past couple of days. Carter loves to be up at night and sleeps a lot during the day.
I just got back from the airport, dropping my parents off. They were really sad to go, and I don't blame them. The next time they come out will probably be in the spring, about 6 months from now. I'm sure Carter is going to grow fast.
When we came home from the hospital on Saturday, my dad had baked some homemade bread. It was superb! No recipe or nothing. This batch he made, however, should have been sold it was so good. It was a whole grain type that he made into round loaves.
We had our first outing yesterday. Christine had to stop by the office and we brought Carter in as well. After this we went to Costco and Target. He did excellent. This was probably because he slept most the time, and thus kept us up till 3 am last night.

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